
Part 1 of 5


  • Photosynthesis - process used by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy that is later used to fuel different plant processes. Plants take C02 from the air, water from the roots, and light energy from the sun in order to photosynthesize, and they’ll release oxygen as a byproduct.
  • Respiration - Only occurs at night when plants are not photosynthesizing. CO2 is released as a byproduct. During respiration the plant uses oxygen to break down sugar/glucose to release energy to the plant.
  • Transpiration - Important for plant parents to understand as transpiration rate can affect how often you water your plants. The hotter/drier the environment the faster plants will evaporate water from the leaves to prevent themselves from overheating = we have to water our plants more. Cooler temperatures or high humidity means the transpiration rate will slow down meaning we won’t have to water our plants as frequently.